i'm a bitch if i'm not getting my addiction fed

feeling: sPoOkY listening: puppy snores drinking: diet coke                             Sept 14th, 2024

Hello & welcome to Sugarbean! I've started this site in an attempt to bring back my nostalgia for the mid 2000's siteworld. I used to be the owner of several sites, but for those of us who have been around for awhile you might remember me from Deluxe Lyts or SourKiss lyts, as well as some other lesser known sitenames. I come from way back when we were still making myspace layouts & content. Back then, the siteworld was poppin'. I really miss those times. I've always kept sites bookmarked and would lurk from time to time checking out what styles were in and just what everyone was up to in general but sadly over the last few years I feel like everyone has dropped off or I just can't find them anymore.

I haven't coded a stylesheet in several years and omg I don't even want to tell you how long this took. My current theme was obviously inspired by Halloween and the song Taste of You by Ress & Dove Cameron. The header is fine. I'm definitely rusty from my years long hiatus, so I mostly like it. Not to mention, how delicious does Billy Loomis look in this gif? YUM.

I've added some regular content as well as a bit of Hallowen content. I'm still very much in the process of getting everything up, but I couldn't wait any longer to open! Take a look around, and comment in the cbox if you use anything/if you stopped by! I apprecaite you.
